
Academic 不诚实 is inconsistent with the values and mission of Tacoma Community 大学. TCC的学生应该在学术上诚实和直率 努力. 作弊、抄袭、捏造或其他形式的学术不诚实 corrupt the learning process and demean the educational environment for all students.

Academic 不诚实 is a violation of Tacoma Community 大学 Chapter 132V-121 WAC 学生行为准则:

Wac 132v-121-060 (1)

Acts of 不诚实 including, but not limited to, the following (see Tacoma Community 学院学术失信管理程序):

(a) Cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, academic misconduct or other forms of academic 不诚实.

(b) Withholding information or furnishing false information to any college official, 教员或办公室.

(c) Forgery, alteration or misuse of any college document, record, or instrument of 识别.


  1. 定义学术不诚实,以及
  2. 当学术不诚实发生时,提供实施处罚的程序.


作弊: Cheating is an act of deception by which a student misrepresents that he or she mastered 关于学术练习的信息.

抄袭: Plagiarism is the inclusion of someone else's words, ideas or data as one's own work. 当学生提交的工作包括单词,想法,或数据的学分 others, the source of that information must be acknowledged through complete, accurate, and specific references and, if verbatim statements are included, through quotation 标志着.

制造: Fabrication is the intentional use of invented information or the falsification of 以欺骗为目的的研究或其他发现.

学术不端行为: 学术不端行为是故意违反大学政策的行为.g. 篡改 with grades, taking part in obtaining or distributing any part of an exam prior to 预定的测试时间). 例子包括出售或赠送考试答案 更改或修改考试成绩或成绩册上的成绩.


制裁 for intentional acts of 不诚实 may be academic and/or administrative. 结果可能因情况和个别教练而异. 所有的老师 在课程大纲中列入关于学术不诚实的政策和制裁措施.

If an instructor determines that an intentional incident 学术不诚实 has 发生时,他或她可以决定采取什么行动. 适当的行动包括: 但不限于以下内容:

  • 论文/作业的评分为“E”或“无学分”
  • 对这门课给予“E”的处分

As a violation of the Code of Student Conduct, academic 不诚实 may result in an administrative sanction of Warning, Reprimand, Probation or Suspension from the college 等.



If an instructor suspects that academic 不诚实 has occurred and intends to impose 制裁后,他或她将与学生会面讨论指控. 这次会议 will take place within four instructional days of the date the instructor became aware 所谓的学术不诚实. 导师将出示学术证明 不诚实,并告知学生可能受到的处罚.

  1. 如果老师认定这些指控是假的,学生就会放弃 被证明无罪.
  2. If 这一指控s are determined by the instructor to be true and the student agrees with the intended sanction(s), the instructor will complete an Academic Dishonesty 事件报告表格,并将其转交给学生事务管理办公室. 的 instructor and the student will both sign the 事故报告表格, to confirm 会议的日期. 学生应在表格上签名以表示同意 指控和制裁.
  3. If 这一指控s are determined by the instructor to be true and the student disagrees with 这一指控s and the intended sanction(s), the instructor will inform the 学生的上诉权. 教官将填写事故报告 form. 教师和学生都应在事故报告表上签字 确认会议发生的日期. 学生应该在表格上签名 signify their disagreement with 这一指控, and to signify that they have been 被告知他们有权上诉. 导师会将此表格转交给相关部门/项目 椅子.


If an instructor in a fully online course suspects that academic 不诚实 has occurred and intends to impose a sanction, he or she will arrange an opportunity to discuss 这一指控. 教师将使用生成的方法与学生联系 收到信息的确认. 讨论将在四分钟内进行 学生得知指控后的教学天数 学术不诚实. 构成“讨论”的可能选项可以 包括但不限于,面对面的会议,虚拟办公时间 打电话,或者发邮件交流. 讲师将出示证据 学术不诚实,并告知学生可能受到的处罚.

If, based on the discussions at any level, including the 上诉 process, an Incident 报告表格创建后,学生将被转发一份电子副本 the option of inserting comments and forwarding the revised version to the Student 事务行政办公室.


的 student has the right to 上诉 这一指控s 学术不诚实 and/or 实施前的预期制裁:

  • 在申诉过程中,学生应保持完整的学业 学生站在课堂上.
  • If a student is given the sanction of an "E" grade or "no credit" for the paper/assignment, the student has the option to withdraw from the course, if it is done by the published 的最后期限.
  • 如果一个学生在这门课上被给予不及格的处分,这个学生 可以不退出课程,以避免制裁.

1. 在收到预定导师通知后的四个教学日内 sanctions for academic 不诚实 and the student's right to 上诉, the student has the right to a 会议 with the appropriate department/program 椅子 to discuss the 提出并寻求解决方案.

a)如果指控被部门/项目主席认定为虚假, 这个学生将被免罪.

b) If 这一指控s are determined by the department/program 椅子 to be true and the student agrees with the intended sanction(s), the department/program 椅子 and the student should both sign the 事故报告表格, to confirm the date of the 会议. 学生应在表格上签名以表示同意 with 这一指控 和制裁. 系/项目主任将把申请转交给学生事务处 行政办公室.

c) If 这一指控s are determined by the department/program 椅子 to be true and the student disagrees with 这一指控s and the intended sanction(s), the department/program 系主任将告知学生他或她有权向系主任申诉. 的 department/program 椅子 and the student should both sign the Academic Dishonesty 事故报告表格. 学生应该在表格上签名,表示他们的不同意见 with 这一指控, and to signify that they have been informed of their right to 上诉. 部门/项目主席将把表格转交给系主任.

2. 如果问题没有在系/项目主席层面得到解决,学生 有四天的教学时间向系主任提出书面申诉. 院长 will meet with the instructor, the student and, if necessary, others who have information about the academic 不诚实 matter, no later than ten instructional days of the 学生提出书面上诉.

a) If 这一指控s are determined by the division dean to be false, the student 会被免罪吗.

b) If 这一指控s are determined by the division dean to be true, the dean will 确定并实施对学术不诚实行为的制裁. 法院的决定 如果处罚不是该课程的ÐEÓ分数,院长将是最终的处罚. 的 dean and the student will sign the Academic Dishonesty 事故报告表格 to confirm 会议的日期, and the dean will forward it to the Student Affairs Administration 办公室.

c) If the dean's decision is to impose an "E" grade for the course, the student may 启动 TCC第132V-123章WAC最后课程成绩申诉程序 在公布了本季度的成绩之后.

If academic 不诚实 is suspected by the instructor at the end of a quarter and not enough instructional days remain to accommodate the procedures outlined above before final course grades are due, the instructor will assign and submit a final 学生在公布的截止日期前的课程成绩. 然后学生可以 第132V-123章WAC最后课程成绩申诉程序. 如果最终成绩上诉是基于学术不诚实,学术不诚实 事故报告表格 will be signed by the instructor and submitted to the Student 事务行政办公室.